Generator Runs For A Few Seconds Then Stops. Why? What Should You Do?

Your generator runs for a few seconds then stops. What’s going on? This can be very frustrating, especially if you’re relying on your generator to power critical appliances or electronics. The good news is that there are a number of reasons why this might happen and it’s not always an emergency situation.

If you’re having trouble with your generator, this article is the best solution for you! We‘ll recommend solutions that will get your power back up and running as soon as possible!

Reasons Why Generator Runs For A Few Seconds Then Stops

Generator Runs For A Few Seconds Then Stops

Reason 1: Low Fuel

If you are facing the issue that generator runs for a few seconds then stops, then first of all check your fuel tank. Your generator tank should be filled with the proper quantity of fuel.

If the fuel is enough then it may be possible that there is no flow of gas to the engine due to clogged filters or bad carbs. If none of these works, it is also possible that there is no supply of gas to the engine.

Reason 2: Faulty Or Old Generator

If your generator runs for a few seconds then stops, then it may be a problem with its parts. Due to age some parts get damaged and loses their functionality over time.

So, there is nothing wrong with the design of the generator rather than damage in its parts. So, you might need to replace the parts of the generator for a few seconds then stops to make it work properly.

Reason 3: Lack Of Maintenance

A good quality generator needs proper maintenance. There is a need for oil and grease every two months in the running generator. If you fail to give proper maintenance, it will lead to engine damage and it will stop working for a few seconds then stops.

Reason 4: Fumes Due To Overloading

If your Generator Runs For A Few Seconds Then Stops, then there is much possibility that the generator does not get a proper air supply. Due to lack of air or improper ventilation, fumes may be built up in the engine which can cause damage to its parts and the engine stops working for a few seconds then stops.

Reason 5: Surge

When Your generator runs for a few seconds then stops, it is a high possibility that your generator has some problems with its parts which can cause damage to the engine and it stops working for some time. It may also be possible that due to lack of maintenance, there is leakage of gas or oil from the Genset which causes surge.

Reason 6: Voltage Fluctuation

It is also possible that your Generator Runs For A Few Seconds Then Stops because there is a voltage surge.

It may be possible that you have decreased the load of the generator and it has not started properly after being idle. It may also be possible that it is getting overloaded, then in this case you have to upgrade your generator.

If none of the above reasons match with your problem, then it might be a problem related to its parts. If there is no fault in any part of the generator, then it may require an expert’s assistance for checking the machine properly.

Generator Runs For A Few Seconds Then Stops

Reason 7: Low Water Levels

If you are facing Generator Runs For A Few Seconds Then Stops, then it might be possible that your generator is working continuously for days or months. After working for a long time engine starts to generate more heat and the chances of damage in its parts increase. So, there is a need to check water levels after every few hours in the generator.

Normally when the engine gets heated up, it starts blowing the fumes into the air rather than giving out heat. It is because of low water level which also causes damage to engine parts and it stops working for a few seconds then stops.

Reason 8: Filters Or Carburetors Issues

When Your generator runs for a few seconds then stops, it may be possible that your generator is not getting any gas or oil from its tank due to clogging in filters or carburetors.

The only solution to this problem is that you clean the filters and carburetors of your generator. Also, after cleaning it if it runs for a few seconds then stops again then there might be leakage of fuel from Genset and you need to check its tank properly.

Reason 9: Low Oil Supply

When your generator runs for a few seconds then stops, it is also possible that your generator may stop working for a few seconds then stops if there is a drop in oil pressure or less supply of lubrication. Due to lack of oil, engine parts may damage and they will stop working for hours. So, you need to check the supply of oil after running the generator for 10 minutes.

Reason 10: Overheat Engine

One of the most common reasons for a few seconds then stops is overheating. When a generator runs continuously, it starts to generate more heat, and there arise chances of damage in its parts. So, you need to check your gen-set at regular intervals of time for high heat levels.

The users should always follow the instructions given by the manufacturers for the better efficiency of their generator. Some generators come with different features, so they can face a problem for a few seconds then stops due to those specific problems only. So you need to check your machine properly for those issues or contact the service center as soon as possible.

Reason 11: Oil Pressure Switch

If your generator runs for a few seconds then stops, the problem may be an oil pressure switch. This is the safety component that prevents the motor from overheating.

You can check by unscrewing the plate that covers the oil pressure switch on top of the engine to see if it was tripped. If there is no damage to the switch, you may have a defective oil filter, which is easy to replace.

Reason 12: Control Panel Or Circuit Breaker

The control panel and circuit breaker protect the generator from overheating and electrical surges. If your generator runs for a few seconds then stops, press the reset button on the control panel or flip the appropriate breaker switch to resolve this problem. You can also check for loose wiring by examining all electrical components.

Way To Fix The Stopped Generator

Generator Runs For A Few Seconds Then Stops

Solution 1: Check The Fuel Tank

First of all, check the fuel tank. If there is no more fuel left in your generator, it will automatically stop charging itself and runs for a few seconds only.

You can add some gas into its gas tank if you want to resume working. And then make sure that the filter of the generator is clean enough for the gas to flow smoothly.

Make sure that the fuel tank is full; if not, then you should pour some gas into the generator. Clean the filter of your generator and make sure that there are no rocks or dirt inside it which can cause damage to the machine.

Solution 2: Check The Charger Cord

If you have checked all of the things which are stated in solution one, then you should check the charger cord. Sometimes dirt or dust can also cause problems when charging your generator. Check if there is any dirt or dust near it; if there is, clean it thoroughly before you plug it back in to solve this issue.

Make sure that your cords work well and are not cut or worn out. If the generator doesn’t want to charge, then it can be due to one of these three reasons. Check each of them closely in order to solve the problem.

Solution 3: Check The Circuit Breaker

Sometimes circuit breaker malfunctions which are causing your machine not to work properly. You need to check it carefully. Reset the breaker if needed; make sure that the circuit is working well. If not, then replace it with a new one and test your generator again.

Solution 4: Try To Start It Again

If you have tried all of these things to solve your generator runs for a few seconds then stops, but your generator still doesn’t want to start, then you should check its engine. Sometimes dirt can also cause this problem. And you need to clean the engine carefully before starting it again.

Make sure that your fuel tank is full of gas and there is no more dirt inside the engine or around it. Keep in mind that the circuit breaker is switched off.

There might be some problem with the spark plug or its wires. You need to check them and try to replace them if you find any of these things break. If you find the engine too dirty, then pour some oil into its oil tank and run it for 5 minutes before checking it again.

If you find the engine clean, but your generator runs for a few seconds then stops, then make sure that there are no rocks or dirt inside its fuel tank. Sometimes when the machine is not used for a long time, rocks, dirt or dust can also pile up inside it. You need to clean it thoroughly before using your machine again.

Now you should pour some gas into the generator’s fuel tank if it is not full. Then start its engine again. Make sure that your circuit breaker is working properly and switch it on after plugging in your cord to test whether or not your generator can work well after all of these solutions.

Generator Runs For A Few Seconds Then Stops

Solution 5: Check The Spark Plug

If you don’t want to put more fuel into your generator, try to check the spark plug of it. If this part is dirty, then it will affect how your generator runs. You need to clean this part often with a wire brush or cloth that can absorb the dirt and dust.

If you have cleaned it thoroughly and it is still not working well, then you should replace the spark plug with a new one. It might be the reason why your generator doesn’t want to run or start-up after all of these solutions.

Keep in mind that replacing a part can cost money; so make sure that this part is broken before paying for a new one.

Solution 6: Replace The Fuse Wire

If you have checked all of the previous solutions and your generator still doesn’t want to start up, then you should check its fuse wire. Sometimes this part gets broken if the machine is not used for a long time or when it is overloaded. Check if there are any broken connections or cuts in the fuse wire.

If you find any of these parts cut or broken, then you need to replace them with a new one to make your generator work again. Because if this part is cut or broken, then it can cause other parts or wires inside the machine to break; and this will affect how the machine runs.

Solution 7: Clean the Air filter

Another part that you need to pay attention to is the air filter. This part gets so dirty as it works, and working with a really dirty air filter will affect how your generator runs as well as its life span. You better clean this part so as to extend the life span of your generator.

Solution 8: Check the Negative/Positive Connections

If you have tried all of the solutions above, but still find your generator is not working well or running for a few seconds, then the next thing to check is its negative/positive connections. This is also an important part of your generator that needs to be checked often.

To make it simple, when you rotate the handle of your generator, this part is rotating as well. So, when your generator suddenly stops working for no reason at all, you can check these connections to find out why. If they are not connected properly, then your generator will not work.

Generator Runs For A Few Seconds Then Stops

Solution 9: Call The Professionals

If you still cannot repair your generator by yourself, then it is time to call the professionals. Call them immediately so as not to damage your generator more than what it already suffered. It is very important for you to remember that generators are electrical devices and they can be dangerous if mishandled. So, always be cautious when using it and never try to do any repair yourself if you don’t know-how.

Solution 10: Check The Battery

If you have just bought a generator, do not use it immediately even if it is new. You need to check its battery first because the generator will only work when you put in batteries. If this part needs replacement, then consider replacing it with new ones so as to keep your generator running all the time.

Solution 11: Check Water Levels

The thing you need to do is to check the water levels in your generator. You can find out if there is any water inside it by checking the level of oil. If the water level is too low, then it will affect how your generator runs. Regularly check the water levels of your generator so as not to put yourself in danger while running it.

Solution 12: Check Oil Level

The next thing to check is the oil level inside your generator. If there is not enough oil in it, then your generator will stop working and runs for a few seconds only. You can add some oil into its tank if you want to resume working with it again.

Solution 13: Check Fuel Pipes

The next thing you need to check is the fuel pipes of your generator. If these parts are broken, then it will affect how your generator runs also. If there is no problem with its engine, but it still stops running after a few seconds only, then you can check these pipes to find out what the problem really is.


What is a generator?

A generator is a device that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy and vice versa. The machine does this by transforming one form of kinetic energy into another. For example, the machine could be converting the chemical energy in gasoline into kinetic thermal energy in steam and then into electrical kinetic energy in its generator.

How do I know if there is enough oil in it?

The level of oil can be checked by looking at the tank of your generator while you are rotating the handle. If there’s not enough oil, then add more to make sure your machine runs longer. Besides, always make sure to use a well-maintained and maintained machine because this will help to increase its performance and the life span of the machine.

How often do I need to replace my air filter?

You should change your air filter regularly if you want to make sure that it runs well for a long time. Apply this action once every 3 months or after 100 hours of usage. To clean your air filter, use a damp cloth and wipe it clean. After that, let your air filter dry completely before putting it back again in the machine.

How to avoid a broken fuse wire or bad connection?

Check for any filaments of copper wire that have been shorted out by a break in a coil. Copper coils form loops of thin wire wrapped around each other, and if one coil is overlapped on another it is very possible for the thin wires to break and contact with each other forming an electric current between them when there was not supposed to be one.

To fix the generator runs for a few seconds then stops, cut the wire(s) so that they are no longer touching each other. Use rubber insulation to cover them, and seal with electrical tape. Check for broken wires of thin gauge which have been threaded through the larger-gauge wires in parallel paths.

This can be seen very easily by looking at a terminal strip or junction box, especially if you used wire nuts when wiring the generator. Use rubber insulation and electrical tape to seal these wires and put them back together.

Check for loose or corroded connections at battery posts and lugs. Loose connections allow a stray electric current to flow between connectors. Corroded connectors can cause a short somewhere else in the circuit. Use a wire brush to clean the connection and a paste of baking soda and water to neutralize any acid.

Check for bad generator-to-battery cables. These wires carry the full output from your generator to your battery, so if they are damaged by being too close to hot engine parts or just lose connections.

Does this happen often to generators?

No, generators are not supposed to get this problem. If it does happen, there is something impeding the functions of your machine. This article will help you troubleshoot these problems effectively so you can fix them before anything happens.

What should I do if my generator stops working for no time at all?

– Place your hand on top of the generator to make sure it’s not getting too hot. If it is, then you need to make sure there is plenty of cool airflow around the generator. Check to make sure that there are no animals or people walking by the machine while it is running, as this can disrupt its airflow.

– Check for any damage to your fuel pipes and replace them if necessary.

– Check that the oil levels are good and check to see if there are any clogs that might be happening with your filter.

– Make sure there are no wire connections in the compressor area which have come loose or disconnected so they can short circuit.

-Check if these pipes are broken or too loose. You can also check if there is enough oil in your generator and that it is well-maintained.

Can I use gasoline in my generator instead of oil to make it work again?

No! gasoline is too volatile for a generator. If you put gasoline into the machine, then just be prepared for an explosion or fire to happen. The gasoline will create too much heat and the generator’s engine might overheat and malfunction.


There are so many solutions to the problem of “few seconds” in a generator. You can try all of them if you want, or just choose one among them that looks easier for you to do. The important thing is not how fast you fix your generator but always keeping it running properly.

We hope you will know the reasons and solutions to solve the problem that your generator runs for a few seconds then stops after reading our reviews in 2021.

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