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People who've asked, my sequins cardigan from last night was the brand INC. Red skirt is @jcrew. Very reasonably priced, too. Enjoy! 46 mins ago
@KayKayCannon thanks Kay!! Can't wait for you guys to come back. 1 hour ago
I want one of those Boston sour cream coffee cakes that's mostly topping. Someone bring that to me 1 hour ago
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My best friend is my sister Stacy! She is amazingly creative, sweet, genuine and in love with BFF productions and HelloGiggles. Her website is staceface.tumblr.com and it shows all the things she loves plus her embroideries. Also she has an etsy! It’s http://www.etsy.com/shop/thankgoodness. She deserves a present to lift her spirits and I know Mindy would do the trick.
jAMI DEVORE | October 8, 2011 |